The time was late 90's and hardcore scene in our town was pretty much alive. In the world "the youth crew revival" was happening and Revelation and Victory were at their best. But we had our great bands: No speed Limit, Force Union, Strife For More, Inside Out ... Maybe some of you younger hardcore kids don't know this bands from our history, and for us who know them, well we don't mind to remind of these times...
I think the first straight edge band I heard was No For An Answer sometime in 1989/90. After that, friends from Belgrade started sending us tapes with sxe hardcore bands like Minor Threat and Judge and I started getting more and more into it.
My neighbour Pecinko wore Youth Of Today shirt and I had wondered for months what it was and when I finally got the tape, I was stoked. Fast, powerful, direct and pure at the same time, I loved it. That's when I started to think about straight edge. I hadn't drunk, smoked or used drugs before anyway, which hadn't been much usual among the rest of the kids but then I finally found something where I could fit in and which was totally natural to me.
So, I've considered myself straight edge since 1990. Sxe is who I really am, it's positive, healthy and full of energy, inspiration and passion as well.
When I got into straight edge, someone told me that I should be vegetarian too, so I became one. Although I stopped eating meat only because I thought I had to if I want to be true straight edge, after 20 years of being vegetarian, I'm happy I did it. Straight edge living and music brought to my life many friendships, healthy relationships, helpful advices and positive way of thinking and I couldn't be more thankful for that. Also, Youth of Today and Shelter got me interested in Hare Krishna where I later found spiritual myself. That we are not this body, which is consisted of material elements, earth,water, fire and air. That I am not just combination of earth and water-piece of meat, but a person inside – an soul – inside of this body- spiritual being- with spiritual qualities, etc….

My band Strive For More started working seriously and in 1995. it became the first sxe band from Novi Sad and the first spiritual hardcore band from Serbia. There had been some hardcore bands in Novi Sad like Prolece, Mitesers, Buka za decu, No Speed Limit and Inside Out. Strive For More was the first band here in Novi Sad which played classic sxe hardcore influenced by Bold, YOT, INSTED, NFAA, Chain Of Strength...
from Rebuild hardcore zine #1